Monday, June 16, 2008

Time for me to fly

First off let me just go ahead and say thank you to everyone that stopped in on Saturday to say farewell. Secondly I want to thank everyone for the card. I will be taking it with me and every morning before I start the day I will read the kind words everyone has said. Thirdly Rachel and Amanda I have a car that needs to be washed.

Hopefully you will check up on this weekly and there are some added features of the blog. Hammers Corner will feature a picture of hammer and his quote of the week.

Also I will be featuring Debo's Thought of the week.

And Bacon's Random Rant, which from the ideas he has been telling me I'm not really sure where its going.

There will be a few times during the week where I will be able to talk on the phone. Text messages are always welcome just remember if I don't get back to you right away don't take offense.

What happens when all good cooks leave?

They get antiqued.

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