Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teabaggin' Faggots

Ok so I had to pull out the blog once again because dumb ass people live in this country. First off people were protesting the Tax that we have paid for years and the reason why we get to live in this great nation. You think that everything just comes free? Roads, Government Agencies, Military, Help for the needy, just about everything you have has gone through the Government. Some went along the lines of saying "Taxation without Representation" Fuck you your a disgrace to Paul Reveere and just about every Revolutional hero from that time.

Fuck you know I'm tired of this already every one that bought tea, wasted it, and protested against the IRS and taxes go fuck yourself, move to Cananda or Mexico and shut the fuck up.

You bought Tea and didn't drink it? What the fuck is wrong with your head bitch?

Call your buddy that lives next door and ask him to drop his nutsack on your face. Teabaggin'.